Sunday, 18 January 2015

Humble Games FAQ

Some people have commented, written e-mails or private messages with questions, so I thought I’d take some time to answer some of the more common inquiries here:

Are you going to be doing any more one-off/where are they now posts?

In theory, yes-- in practice, I’m pretty busy at the moment, so it could be a while before I get around to doing another one.

Will you ever go back to the “create a character” format from season one?

Definitely not on that scale—it was fun, but it was a lot to have to coordinate.

Will you ever finish season one? Will you tell us what happened to the characters?

I’m not entirely sure right now—I feel crummy about leaving it hanging, and I might “re-cast” the missing role at some point.

How can I be a contestant on the Humble Games?

At the moment I’m still working out the kinks in the new format, so we’re really not actively recruiting. I’ll let you know when I come up with some kind of formal application process.

What kind of contestants are you looking for?

Women who like to show their Brat Pride, and are willing to take a chance to get what they want… at the risk of complete and utter public embarrassment, of course.

No guys?

No, sorry.

I’m a guy and I want to submit a character.

I was thinking about combining the “create a character” format with the one-off stories, and letting people create their own previous Humble Games contestants… but for the moment, you’ll just have to hold onto your ideas, sorry.

 Why are the chapters so short?

Season two is created in collaboration with another person—the chapters are kept short to make it easier for me to keep her in the loop and for her to read and make suggestions (and for me to make any necessary changes). It also means I can make more frequent updates and maintain a more regular schedule.

So there really is a Rachael? Will she ever comment on the story or interact with the audience?

Yes, there is a Rachel and the character in the story really is based on her. I don’t know if she reads it here or not. She likely won’t be commenting or interacting with the audience (for various reasons.) This might change with future players; it’s entirely up to them.

I wrote a comment or an e-mail, and you never posted or responded to it.

That’s not a question.

Seriously, though.

I’m really sorry about that—the reason I didn’t answer your question about the humble games is that I honestly didn’t know what was going to happen: I didn’t want to say we were going to be moving forward and then never post anything again (or vice versa.) I’m sorry I didn’t answer your question—I just didn’t want to raise/dash your hopes unduly.

I hope that clears up everything, if you've got any more questions please comment or write in with them.

Thanks for reading everyone!

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